Good Light, and Good Luck - 型諸裡外 ★★★★ 「XZL仙踪林一区」這念頭多久沒出現過 鏡頭背後Murrow腳邊的Friendly老闆房內的周旋剪片房內煙霧瀰為「高压监狱满天星」內容討論到大伙兒下班邊喝威士忌邊聽Jazz一同朗讀尚帶微溫的早報評論型原於內 Murrow與戰友為了捍衛公義無懼官方打壓無懼被抽後腿無懼老闆大石壓蟹那種十上十落共同進退的團隊氣勢吸乳头真的型爆這是一部新聞工作者的 Power Film
This movie is part of a series of three interesting guys, Mr. Glass, this guy and another one with split personalities. This movie is really slow and depressed... You need to watch all three of the movies to get the whole story.