我要拉分虽然杜韦在大陆对布景审美略手足无措但每个镜头每场戏都是精心的从运动到景深都非常cinematic节奏紧而不慌移不开眼这卡司看之前是完全不抱期待看着看着竟看出了soulmate的感觉;更神奇的是两主角原本都是被资本消费身体且被阶级压迫的设定soul是被掩埋的而在遇到彼此之后慢慢磨亮了自己的soul走到一起科里蔡斯全部视频在线观看最终又用带soul的身体重回资本海洋做出抵抗结果不明停在找到soulmate的喜悦;杜韦对爱情故事真的很筋道且发出了对当代资本席卷+zz高压环境下青年的最好祝福:爱与理解惊觉华语电影里soulmate love story奇缺(曾国祥略沾边但太drama《碧坤通公主泰剧在线观看》用美食又太取巧)能想到的精妙描绘soulmate的影片只有蔡明亮的《日本无码精品一区二区三》PS. “你过来给我加油”“不能和喜欢的人说大保健”真是xswl
Linklater is so good at capturing a moment in time. This film also captures the timeless sense of confusion and awakening self-agency in high school state of mind. Funny how it all slipped past me when I first saw it in high school.
"Per non morire di angoscia o di vergogna, gli uomini sono eternamente condannati a dimenticare le cose sgradevoli della loro vita, e più sono sgradevoli, prima s'apprestano a dimenticarle!"