The only thing that made watching your world bearable, all those wars, pain, lies, hatred, made me want to turn away never look down again, but see the way that mankind loves, u can search the furthest reach of universe but never find anything more beautiful. Love is unconditional, can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable.
我预感会是今年我的年度最爱而且现在才3月话痨剧主演的演技编剧的台词故事的讲述让这部剧的观影体验很好第七集是一个高潮看流泪了我可以理解为这是一个性转版的婚姻故事如果男女主性别调转会是一个很cliche的故事但是有意思在于女身男脑男身女脑这个设计本身很破除性别刻板印象吧tokyo hot n0603现在现实中也是逐渐发生在我们眼前了