在电影院看了一期《成品人短视频软件推荐》基本上是照着《人妻JAPAN HD XXXX VIDEOS》来的跑团游戏不难看也没啥意思一部迟到了10年的娱乐片中规中矩到不像郭子健的作品喜剧桥段完全游离于剧情之外葛大爷再出彩都是一个情节设置中的败笔不过肯定比拖沓无聊难看的电视剧版好很多看的第三个马伯庸小说改编的影视作品了就觉得他的故事包装很炫内在屁也没有没意思
Trapping a group of characters in a contemporary art installation and slapping thematic tags as trapped existence, perverse sexuality, and life and creation, etc. thereon do not make good cinema. This film is more of a proof that a female director could be no less sadistic in (physically) exploiting her actors, and also that in some respect Japanese sci-fi hentai is far more avant-garde than self-important arthouse films.