Olivia和妹妹都演得很好特别是Olivia的步态语调猛男被狂C躁到高潮失禁男男小说即便顶着一张面粉脸也不出戏故事放在今天的视角固然稍显老套何况两对的爱情都建立在高门贵胄之上但仍然金句频出audiences you shall be pleased全剧看起来最聪明的仍然是the Fool好奇戏剧文学史上的「床戏」命题
今年看过的最惊悚的电影 Are you living to clear sand, or clearing sand to live? 安部公房“他身上带有一种决绝的可恶” Identity and Freedom: We are defined by social conventions and documents, contracts, licenses, certificates, ID cards. 涌动的流沙画面太美砂女沾着汗渍和头发的肌肤特写 SurrealismJames Ensor - Masks 音乐-武满徹 “He is just an outsider, a stranger who was recruited from the outside world.”