“Above your body, people are still alive. Follow the river as days go by. Head for the ocean that mirrors the sky. You want to wake up to free yourself of the image of Europa. But it is not possible.”
Jeremy Irons演得太好了眼神里透出的对Lolita的爱让人动容最后觉得这哪是什么乱伦恋童分明就是爱情啊不过有个让人清醒的说法——Lolita之所以让人感动仅因为是从Humbert的视角去架构故事而已如果从Lolita的角度亲吻可能就成了《狂飙》
荒诞故事 没什么逻辑性 精神病也没给个合理的逻辑解释 毕竟年代久远电影的缜密性差了很多
9.5 到现在才看这极富盛名的亲吻Casablanca is about “ humans who believes the good of human races.” 还记得和他们讲法语的人一起唱歌时不管是来自魁北克的还是那些法国人首选都是马赛曲(对那段历史更感兴趣了啊啊啊